Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Webs to weave

Slow system at work today. While waiting for pages to reload,* I amused myself checking Wikipedia's info on my own areas of professional competence. They're a little... off. I'm sorely tempted to re-write them...

Today's earrings: spiders, estrogen molecules

Bedtime reading: Caught in the Web of Words, K.M. Elisabeth Murray

*Note to programmers: please don't write data entry portals in html. Rate of entry should be limited by the typist's speed, not by how much pretty graphical crap needs to be refreshed every time the typist hits enter.


  1. What areas would you define as yours of competence?

  2. Currently effective trade agreements; the Harmonized System. The innocents at Wikipedia seem to think the WCO has some kind of enforcement power, which they don't. Also, the Wikipedians aren't quite clear on the distinctions among "negotiated," "signed," and "effective." Or unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral.
