Monday, March 10, 2008

Pretty good day

I hit Green Apple after work, and discovered
:) - a present for Tiger
:) - Pomegranate has reissued the Fantod Deck
:) - they had penicillin in stock
:( - you have to spend $150 to get a free bag. No free bag for me.

Then there were pot stickers. :)

Today's acquisitions: Life on the Mississippi; Mark Twain; Bantam, 1990
Winnie Ille Pu; A.A. Milne, Alexander Lenard, trans.; Penguin, 1991
Men and Gods; Rex Warner, trans., Edward Gorey, il.; New York Review of Books, 2007
The Fantod Pack, Interpreted by Madame Groeda Weyrd; Edward Gorey; Pomegranate, 2007
The Culture of Fear; Barry Glassner; Basic Books, 1999
The Three-Martini Playdate; Christie Mellor; Chronicle Books, 2004
How To; Jennifer McKnight-Trontz; Chronicle Books, 2004
[some presents]

Today's earrings: mice, men

Bedtime reading: Owl's Well That Ends Well, Donna Andrews

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