Tuesday, November 20, 2007

To the Lake House

It's a funny thing - none of us thought we slept well, but we also didn't notice when one of the other three people in the room got up. Perception != reality.

Unfocused sort of day. We accomplished our principal goals but not much else. The Angry Lemming was not feeling his best, and took a nap. Confused Cricket & M looked at art. There was dragon-mask armor for a horse, they said. That sounds cool. I surfed the interwebs. Tiger got a whole bunch of new books and seems very pleased about them. K was peripatetic in extremis, and S was pedagogical. We had a lovely dinner at the lake, and M won the scrabble game. S joins us tomorrow.

Today's earrings: flowers, other flowers

Bedtime reading: Hogfather, Terry Pratchett

Bwahahhaha! I have hijacked this blog! Bwahahahahha! I am not wearing earrings and the earrings do not wear me! Ha ha! I am full of mirth, just listen to me chortle.

,,,,,and i'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you. I know you were right, believing for so long.

[That was M]

Oh, the humanity....

[And that was the Angry Lemming]

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