Monday, November 5, 2007


9am. clock radio went off. lazelazelaze and the announcer went to commercial with, "It's 8:17 here at KGO." Huh? Checked other clocks. Turned out the only one I hadn't re-set was... the clock radio. Oops.

9:20am 8:20am. reset clock radio. Made coffee.

9:15am. called the Wandering Albatross. Turned out to be quarter-past midnight in his time zone; I apologized & hung up.

9:30am-10:15. intermittently tried to call K back.

10:30am. met gang for brunch at Cafe Pretentious. At some point, they'd discontinued table service & failed to circulate the memo. The Angry Lemming heroically hunted down brunch. Go, Lemming! Then we all got epistolatory.

noonish. the gang headed east ISO some great outdoors to inhabit; I went for gelato. mmmmm, gelato.

4:30pm. b2 called; her grandmother died this morning after a long illness.

6pm. Cousin Bruce called. He'll be in town for a bridge tournament 11/22-12/2, could I recommend some restaurants?

8:15pm. Wandering Albatross called. He had changed time zones! I did count right! Anyway, he's home again & pleased about it.

Today's earrings: eyes, teapots

Bedtime reading: Fugitive Colors, Margaret Maron.

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