Monday, November 19, 2007

Greetings from the scenic JFK Comfort Inn!

The travel was filled with minor incidents of annoyance, ending with seeing rather more of Jamaica, Queens, than strictly necessary. However. It's the Season of Thankfulness. I am duly grateful for us all arriving intact in a room with beds.

No earrings today.

Bedtime reading: Logorrhea, John Klima, ed.


  1. Yea! Glad you made it East. Please call when you wake up so we can make plans for the day (work or cell, I'll send email to all with them just in case)

  2. you have arrived! wonderful!

    So sorry to read about yelly guy and lady with the cane. Asshole.

    Enjoy your T-day! Must make pies, cookies & brownies per Mother Holloway's request. And pear salad. And cranberry sauce.



