Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Missing Macy's

So, yesterday I was kinda halfway going to go down to Macy's Herald Square and shop. But time got away from me, and what with one thing and another, I didn't go.
"I'll go tomorrow," I told myself. "Definitely."

Today dawned dark and rainy, and stayed that way into the afternoon.
"Huh," I said to myself, "this is an excellent day to stay in and drink coffee." So I did. First I played with K's coffee grinder. It was most entertaining. Then I surfed the web, ate leftover Chinese food, and read a little Twain.

Then everyone came home and we ate pesto.

Today's earrings: pineapples, rocks

Bedtime reading: Life on the Mississippi, Mark Twain

1 comment:

  1. The more it snows
    Tiddly pom
    The more it goes
    Tiddly pom
    on snowing
