Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Busy day

This morning, I
- got back my copy of Serenity from a coworker. He finished Firefly last week, and is a convert to the Browncoat Cause. I have urged him to watch Dr Horrible, and plan to start feeding him Buffy this winter.*
- sent the last of yesterday's updates to publish.
- got an errata slip for the book I've been working on off & on all summer; fixed it.
- got as an offer of source materials (for another update I made yesterday) from D. Said I'd already done the update.
- printed up & handed off a different (1757 page) book to be proofed in depth and at length. 1757 pages take quite a while to download, in case you were wondering.
- finished proofing the book I've been working on all summer.
- got an email from D explaining that what she meant was that yesterday's update hadn't posted correctly. Checked & found that the update had not posted externally. Sent note to IT about the publish delay.
- went and talked to the lead programmer about whether he could re-write the logic for this one thing, or if I'd have to spend the rest of the week doing it by hand. He came up with a third alternative, which won't solve the problem permanently, but can be done by tomorrow without further effort from me. Love that dude.
- answered a customer question about sugar quotas. Verily, they are most weird.
- got another email from D explaining that what she really meant was an errata slip for the update I'd done yesterday, which had posted internally. Fixed it. That woman loves to waste my time.
- checked the primary sources for the the book I've been working on all summer and found the announcement of more changes, but the details are TBA. I could hold off and wait for all the details to be published... decided to finally get this @%$!*#% thing off my desk instead.
- got the written part of my performance review, which said I'm all competent-like and make the office a shinier place just by showing up.
- went to have lunch with b2 in an excellent mood.

Today's earrings: scarabs

Bedtime reading: Nation, Terry Pratchett

*Mua ha ha ha ha! Ha ha!


  1. Most excellent! Congrats on being so shiny.

  2. Shiny is good. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

    So, dinner Sunday? Since CC reads and responds to this Blog - could you post that to her and we'll get it all confirmed and everything. ;)
