Thursday, September 25, 2008

Super Heroes

Am I the only one who's a little bewildered at the idea that a complete bailout package for Wall Street must be passed this week or the world will end? I mean, what a coincidence that it's the last week of the last congressional session of Bush's last term when the bursting of the housing bubble (that's been going on for a while now) came to such an acute crisis that the government had to bail out Wall Street RIGHT THIS SECOND OMG GOTTA DO IT NOW! Funny how the timing works out, y'know? And - I know this is just crazy talk - wouldn't it make more sense to put together a relatively small program of short-term loans (using the exec's golden parachutes as collateral) that will get everyone through to January in a relatively liquid state, when the new Secretary of the Treasury can present the new President's plan for coping with the mortgage crisis to the new Congress? Doesn't that seem like the prudent thing to do?

Today's earrings: ants, blue beads

Bedtime reading: Men at Arms, Terry Pratchett