Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That was sad

Poor Jack, done in by a staph infection.

Poor Steven, done in by his own snobbery. Psst. Steven. Polyester isn't catching.

Chris is fun. Chris is nice to have around. Chris can't seem to design street clothes. Chris will be gone again soon, and Broadway will hire him to costume many fabulous shows. That part's not sad.

Today's earrings: flies, fish

Bedtime reading: The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman


  1. Yeah, too bad he couldn't overcome his snarkiness (which is fun in small doses) and embrace the polyester.

    But didya notice they kept changing the rules in judging again? They were told to "make an everyday outfit" and then the judges knocked him down for not making another wedding dress.


  2. Well... I don't think they were expecting another wedding dress. I think they were expecting the original garment to show up in the finished design. Jillian didn't use a lot of the original garment, but she did go out and find an uninterrupted spanse of the same material. Showed some respect for the client's taste.

    That poor woman - she gets to go on PR, just to hear how awful her wedding dress is...
