Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mountains of the Moon

Went to see a guy talk about China & India's increasing investments in Africa. He only had an hour, so, very general. His idea of the best outcome is for Africa to become one large free trade area. Afterward, I asked him what he thought would actually happen with that. He was all general. I asked about the EAC, and how Rwanda & Burundi are joining in July, and was that the sort of thing he was talking about? I was going to follow up with all those editorials about how Tanzania ought to pull out of the EAC and stick with the SADC program. (Seems like there's one every other week.) But instead he went off on how much time & energy gets wasted negotiating these trade agreements that don't necessarily get enforced, and how gov't officials in Africa would do better to put their time into fighting corruption at home. Which, ok, good point. But is this continent-wide free trade area supposed to bloom spontaneously? That would be a first.

Today's earrings: sapphires, double moonstones

Bedtime reading: King Solomon's Mines, H. Rider Haggard

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