Friday, April 30, 2010

Half sick of blogging

This daily posting thing has gotten tiresome. I've been planning on sticking it out to 1000 posts and closing up shop, but that's another five months. I'm not sure I want to keep slogging on just because of a culturally dictated fetish for base 10, you know?

Anyway - sometime soon, I'll be moving the daily earring report to facebook and only posting here when I actually have something to say.


Today's earrings: boots, brooms

Bedtime reading: My Heart Leaps Up, R.A. Lafferty


  1. How dreary to be somebody!
    How public, like a frog
    To tell your name the livelong day
    To an admiring bog!

    - Emily Dickinson

  2. Love the Dickinson! --K
