Monday, April 5, 2010

Caught up on my appointment television

Jerri did the smart thing, which is sad because it looks like this season is going to be a rerun of last season - a truly horrible person gets to the end because he'll be easy to beat in the final, but the editors try to convince us that he gets to the end because he's the Most Brilliant Strategist in the World. *sigh*

Followed by the saddest Supernatural ever. Poor, doomed Winchesters.

Today's earrings: spiders, crows

Bedtime reading: Microserfs, Douglas Coupland


  1. On the other hand, Patty fired Alex so that she can hire Ellen next week just in time for the season finale.

    And Jack is on his way to apologize to the president for losing Hassan, which leaves us 8 hours to the end of the season with no current story lines or arcs to worry about. What's up with that?

  2. So you watched...sigh...I know.

    The one good thing was the little man smackdown.

