Friday, June 19, 2009

Jupiter in Retrograde 6/15 - 10/13

...As the planet of the future, retrograde Jupiter will prompt you to examine your goals and how you'll get there. Heeding your intuition can keep your goals on track - or help you find a new path altogether. Be open to receiving messages from unexpected (unseen?) sources that can guide your direction - signs from the universe, if you will. A sign may come from meeting a long-lost friend who works in a field you've been considering, which propels you toward a new job. Or perhaps you'll suddenly hear a song on the radio that offers a clue about what you need to do.

During this time, be introspective and let the Universe guide you. Then you'll have a clearer perspective about your life, both spiritually and materially, after Jupiter turns direct.

- - Cortney Litwin, California Astrologers

Today's earrings: ants, planets

Bedtime reading: Twelve Fair Kingdoms, Suzette Haden Elgin

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