Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eventful week, huh?

So we've seen a disputed election in Iran, Solstice, R&J's wedding, Tiger getting his first stitches and a new second cousin, the governor of South Carolina going walkabout (and his aides doing their best to turn "hiking the Appalachian Trail" into a euphemism), Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson dying on the same day. This weekend, brunch and gazebo demolition at the now less-electric Dancing Square, and also Pride. Lots of stuff going on all over the place.

I spent the afternoon with Section 148 of the Pakistani Income Tax Ordinance of 2001 and compiling a list of goods zero-rated for sales tax.

Today's earrings: roses, brass triangles

Bedtime reading: Annals of Klepsis, R.A. Lafferty

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