Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Comfortable Eclipse Viewing

Stopped at the Top of the Mark, had a drink, checked out the shadow of the earth upon the moon. Highly cool. The Moon passed behind a building. I ordered the cheese plate. The moon - what was left of it - came out from behind the building. I ordered another drink. The moon disappeared completely. Kind of neat in a system-mechanics-in-action sort of way, but I was promised color effects that didn't materialize. I blame the high clouds. I finished my drink, and when the moon still hadn't returned, I called for the check and went home.

The Top of the Mark afforded excellent conditions for eclipse viewing. Comfortable, good service, a fine (if unexceptional) cheese plate, fantastic view. I strongly recommend it for all your astronomical observation needs.

Today's earrings: suns, earths

Bedtime reading: East of the Sun, West of the Moon, Kay Nielsen, il.

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