Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Drinks at the Elks Club

One of my coworkers just became an Elk, and he graciously asked a few of us to have a drink with him in the club bar. It's a very nice bar, right above Farallon. We had several drinks.

On my way to the bus I succumbed to the siren call of the bookstore. They didn't have Repo Man in stock, so I made do with a remaindered copy of Thelma and Louise.

Today's earrings: deer, rocks

Bedtiem reading: Sand Sharks, Margaret Maron

1 comment:

  1. My grandfather was Grand Exalted Leader of the SSF lodge in the 70s...the days of the drinking clubs! My dad was a member as were both my uncles because as Grandpa was going through the chairs, it behooved him to bring in members and there is this picture of my dad taking the oath in a mauve suit and white belt...stylin'!

