Thursday, May 28, 2009

Too rushed to put on earrings this morning

First thing this morning, I had a counseling session with the nice man from the city's homebuyer program. He asked where I am in the process. I told him. He asked some questions. I answered. He said, "Oh. You don't really need counseling." Not with my relatives, no, I don't. But we had a nice time talking real estate, and he signed off on my certificate thingie. Now, if I can get a loan and the person who currently has dibs on the apartment loses their financing or something, I can buy the place. Not holding my breath.

All that made me quite late to work, so I stayed very late at the office. When I finally got on the bus for home, we were first passed by a string of fire trucks, then stopped at Grant because the fire dudes were setting up shop on the corner there. Huge crowds of people were gawking at I don't know what. No smoke or flame visble that I could see...

I walked home.

Bedtime reading: Risk, Dick Francis

1 comment:

  1. It's always nice to hear that one does not need counseling...
