Thursday, April 16, 2009

Survivor disappoints again

I'm thinking about not watching the rest of this season. It's not because the Bad Person didn't get voted off; there's sound strategy reasons why the players keep voting other people out. The problem is the editors have decided that this guy (who's a misogynist, a narcissist, a liar, and a shitty player) is the funnest thing since bouncy castles and give him ridiculous amounts of screen time. It's one thing to back up his morning routine of made-up pseudo-tai chi with "O Fortuna." That was funny. It's another to spend 35 minutes of each episode watching him bully and smarm his way around camp. That has me alternately swearing at and flipping off the tv for most of an hour. I'm not seeing a good reason to keep watching a show that pisses me off like this.

Maybe b2 and I can talk about Lost over drinks instead.

Today's earrings: sapphires, aquamarines

Bedtime reading: The Abbess of Crewe, Muriel Spark


  1. Hey iiii,

    Check these out!

    Totally cool!


  2. And K, wouldn't the second one be great for your future office at the lake?
