Sunday, September 23, 2007

Petting zoo postponed

Finished Making Money. (It doesn't quite have the same plot as Going Postal... well, maybe it does.) Late leaving the house.

Tilden was surrounded by detour signs and policemen repelling traffic. We finally found a chink in their armor and slipped through to an unoccupied picnic table by Anza Lake. Threw sticks in the lake with the daughter of friends of friends. Nice girl.

Someone taught D to say, "Acorns are the future," and he brought this out at the table, to great effect. Somewhat later, when most of the assembled had wandered off to throw more sticks in the lake, I looked up and said, "dragonfly." (There was this dragonfly, you see.) At that moment an acorn fell out of the tree we were sitting under and smacked the table right in front of me. The omens are clear: my future is dragonfly.

On the carousel, M was admonished for riding paparazzi-style. Then we went to have a lovely dinner with T&S and A&S.

There are a lot of Ss in this story. Time I came up with better names for you all. A has called Confused Ground Cricket. Who wants to be the the Fainting Goat? Any takers on Grace Darling or Darling Lily?

Today's earrings: llamas, buffalo

Bedtime reading: Sky Island, L. Frank Baum

1 comment:

  1. I can just be "confused cricket." I think my S wants to be "angry lemming." - a.
