Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Confronted dastardly upstairs neighbor

Just confronted my dastardly upstairs neighbor at the annual HOA meeting. I was shaking, is how much I hate confrontation, but I stayed on message, to wit: a) he needs to put down some damn carpeting already, and b) renting his apartment through airbnb is both point-blank illegal in SF and in violation of the CCRs. I even used the phrase "illegal short-term tenant" in a sentence.

Somebody else brought up the issue of renting BMRs and how that's doubleplus illegal, which was nice.

He was all, well, sometimes I let people sleep on my couch, and I was like, dude, your ad says you're renting out the whole apartment for $250 a night, wtf? I had a printout of the ad on me and waved it around, so, bad tactics on his part. The incoming board was a bit nonplussed. Poor things. The people from the property management company jumped in and said I was right on the CCRs and local law, and next steps were up to the new board.

I then had the partner of the new HOA treasurer in for a drink (while the new board shared out titles) and filled him in on my POV, asked his opinion on where I should hang the peacock print, and went down to check out their place, which is full of excellent art.

Now there's two brand-new messages on my machine, and I'm afraid to listen to them.


  1. Good for you. Just face your demons and listen to the answering machine.

  2. They turned out to be nothing.
