Saturday, May 22, 2010

Secrets of the Patriarchy, Revealed!

Today S told us that whenever a guy sees a woman in a dress, the rule is he's supposed to complement her. Most dresses don't have pockets, you see, and if women are encouraged to wear clothes without pockets, then men get to carry the car keys, and therefore get to decide when they leave the party.

Today's earrings: rockets, school buses

Bedtime reading: The Color of Magic, Terry Pratchett

Sunday, May 16, 2010

An open letter

Dear people in costume shouting "woo!":

You aren't as lovably zany as you think you are. And the official course is two blocks over. Go "woo!" there.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Crowning moments of awesome

First, on Survivor, there was much maneuvering, which culminated with Sandra standing up and saying that she didn't want to go out with the immunity idol in her bra. Then she made a production of pulling it out, while the jury enjoyed Russell's discomfiture in the background.

Then there was the season finale of Supernatural. It culminated with, well, it was pretty much the yellow crayon speech, but with a '67 Impala in place of the crayon. It worked, mate.

Today's earrings: spiders, crows

Bedtime reading: Borrower of the Night, Elizabeth Peters

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cute but deadly

Today's earrings: polar bears, brown bears

Bedtime reading: My Heart Leaps Up, R.A. Lafferty